17 Mar 2017

Noel Fulford Cup for Premier Batting – Bradley Schmulian

David O Sullivan Cup for Premier Bowling -  Peter Marffy & Jeremy Ketel

Senior Batting – David Castle

Senior Bowling– Michael Stirling

A W Reeve Cup Most Improved Premier Batsmen – Jarrod McLeod

Keith Fulford Cup for Club Player of the Year – Bradley Schmulian

I.V.A. Taylor Cup for Commitment, Determination and Loyalty – Jonathan Whitley

Mark Hayde Memorial Cup for Contribution to the Club – Kurt Richards

Nicol Rosebowl for Club All-rounder – Harrison Gregory

A D H Beamish Cup for Most Consistent Player – Bradley Schmulian

A W Reeve Cup for Outstanding Club Fielder – Jarrod McLeod

C Thomas Cup for Most Outstanding School Leaver Batsmen –  Henry Bone

S Duff Cup for Most Outstanding School Leaver Allrounder – Baden Papuni

Premier Players Player of the year – Bradley Schmulian

Seniors Player Player of the Year – Hamish Sykes

S Pease Duck Cup – Mitch Hammond

Women's Batting Cup – Sophie Pyott

Women's Bowling Cup – Flora Devonshire

Gregory Family Cup for Most Promising Women's Player – Margot Scoular

Shergold Family Cup for Most Committed Women's Player – Jess Lindsay

Hensmen Family Cup for Most Improved Women's Player – Katie Scales

Certificate of Achievement for Most Wickets in Division One- Rhythm Sharma 32 (23 for Celtic & 9 for Havelock North CC)

Junior Awards:

Junior Player of the Year: Bailey McDonald

HNCC Hats presented for 5 years at the club: Will Clark, Jez Reeves, Jack Parker, Charlie Bayley, Jack Hammond, Max Devonshire

Spicers HNCC Year 10: MVP – Harry Mowat, Batting – Bailey McDonald, Bowling – Max Bathgate

Spicers HNCC Year 9: Batting - Shea Bentley, Bowling - Hugo lynch, MVP - Fred Mowat

Spicers HNCC Year 8: Batting - Guy Bayly, Bowling - Charlie Baker, MVP - Tom Goodison

Spicers HNCC Year 7: MVP- Logan Ryniker Doull, Batting – Sam Cassidy, Bowling- Tim Slabbekoorn

Spicers HNCC Year 6: MVP – Will Foster, Batting - Tobias Leiser, Bowling - Jacob Rameka

Spicers HNCC Year 4/5: MVP – Gordy Chatfield, Batting – Tom Speers, Bowling – Harry Cassidy

Congratulations to all, Hope to see everyone again next season!!